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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Building Mathematical Comprehension: Chapter 1 Comprehension Strategies for Mathematics

Okay, so I am totally behind on this book study!?  Well, really only a week and to be fair I did read it when I was supposed to, just not write about it when I was supposed to... LOL.  I promise I'll be on the ball when it is my turn to host!  I told you I had two book studies going on this summer and this is my second one: Building Mathematical Comprehension by Laney Sammons with Beth from Thinking of Teaching and Brenda from Primary Inspired

Chapter 1 was a big "DUH!  How did I never notice that?" moment for me.  It was all about the reading comprehension strategies you use during your literacy block and using THE SAME ONES in your math block.  We were departmentalized last year and we were forever and always telling the kids, "It's the same thing you do in reading, just do it for math or science," but we never showed them how.  I just expected them to be able to do it, and I was wrong.  Some serious teacher reflecting went on during this chapter folks, let me tell ya.

The author included a chart on how good readers and good mathematicians use the same strategies and how - I LOVED IT!  I was also very intrigued by the idea of  the different types of knowledge the readers draw upon as they are reading their math problem.
  • Knowledge about content: background knowledge.  We all know kids absorb more of the lesson if they have a strong foundation and background in that area.  Same goes for numbers!
  • Knowledge about structure: loved the idea of word problems as a unique genre!!!
  • Pragmatic knowledge: similar to background knowledge but experiences they have had through years of interaction with others.  This reminded me of my childhood.  My dad always did logic puzzles, riddles, or who-dunits with me.  We would always watch mystery movies together and he always got me critically thinking and I think that is a huge reason as to why I enjoy math.  It's a mystery/problem, there is a correct answer and I WILL figure it out, lol.
  • Knowledge about the social/situational content: the reason or goal for reading your math problem
You all know how I LOVE children's literature and I adore the idea of incorporating children's literature into my lessons!  Read alouds are something that always stick with my kids for some reason, so why not have read alouds for math to help them remember a concept?  Click on the picture below to take you to another blog with an AMAZING list of children's books based on math concepts!

You see what I mean... all "duh" moments but I just never thought about them in terms of math!

The author goes on to tell about explicit instruction when introducing a new strategy (very CAFE/Daily 5-esque), which strategies to use in the beginning, during, and after reading a math problem, and to remember the four C's when introducing a new concept (conception, connection, construction, and comprehension).  LOTS of great information folks!  I'm very excited because the next chapter is on vocabulary and it's going to go perfectly with my other book study: Words Nerds.  Don't forget to link up your thoughts and read what others have to say!

1 comment:

  1. Sabra!!!
    Thanks for linking up. Your post was great and I love the link to all the math books.
    Thinking of Teaching
